torsdag 23. august 2007

a round

Yesterday was a good day. Class went to the Folk museum and then to the Vikings Ship Museum. Took a few photos, hopefully will be posted soon.
After classes I had a beer at Blue Note with a student, Paul. It was chill. Then just as I was getting home I ran into two more students, Conner and Alicia. They were on their way to swim in Songsvann. I was considering doing the same, so I joined them. It was fucking cold! Somethings don't change...
Got home and watched a bit of the Norway-Argentina footbal match. If you can believe it, Norway won 2-1. It was a big deal, because five years ago they were supposed to have a match and the Argentinians refused to come because it was half-way across the world and just a friendly. Argentina was heavily favored to win. A big boost for Norwegian soccer, thats for sure.
Also last night, I went out with the roomates! Isabelle, Weibtka, Hannah and I went to the beer tent for a few. It was fun to go out with them. When we got back Jan was around and we joined us for a bit of wine. It feels like we've come together as a flat.

I also went out to the beer tent on Monday night! There was a big pub crawl on campus and I went out with the students. It was fun and reminded me of good times in 05. Ran into Tim the german and we talked about going hiking on saturday. I really hope that happens!

Tonight the norwegian class begins! Yikes! I'm getting tired right now too, which sucks.

Okay, off for dinner before class.

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