søndag 26. august 2007

You Tubing

First, two tributes to Max Roach:
A Hi-Hat Solo
Improv over Dr. King

I also found a blog done by Ethan Iverson, the pianist for the Bad Plus.
He had these youtube videos linked on a recent post as "a dozen lovely women in famous videos perfect for your political analysis class." I've brought a few over here for you:
Cindy Lauper, "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" It took me a long time, but eventually I realized the fantastic nature of cindy lauper and this song. If you look at any of these videos, look at this one.
Dolly Parton, "9 to 5"
Madonna, "Vogue" At least once at Youth Farm I vogued for the kids and they had NO idea what I was talking about or doing.

This weekend I spent a fair amount of time listening to Tom Waits, especially Nighthawks at the Diner.
Here are a few vids of him:
On Letterman with "Chocolate Jesus"
"I don't Wanna Grow Up"
An ode to home: "Ninth and Hennepin"
I put this on a mix a few years ago. "Clap Hands"
a hilarious interview from the 1970's
He was young once. in his 70's style: backed by a jazz band. "Small Change"

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